Talofa and Welcome to My Place

Hello! This is my place, you are welcome to visit anytime. I love my family and I enjoy spending time with them every chance I get. Especially my nieces and nephews. They are a joy to be around. This blog was created so that I may share with you the people I love and things I love to do. I hope that you will enjoy this blog and visit from time to time. Blogging is fun and very creative. If you don't have a blogspot, I encourage you to get one. It is better than myspace or facebook. I honestly believe that it is. I wanna thank my sister for getting me into this whole blogspot.com thing. Everything on this blog is about my family and anything positive. So, I welcome you once again to my place. Stay and visit for awhile, leave a comment and visit again later. Much love and One love.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Day 2 and 3 of VOLLEYBALL CAMP

Alright...I didn't get the chance to post anything about day two of my volleyball camp, so I'm putting it together with day three!
Day 2: The kids learned how to serve and set this day! They were awesome! They did so much better then we had thought they'd do. As you could tell by these pictures of some of the kiddie campers in action. Maggie(the little girl passing in the picture on the right) is very coordinated for her age. As a matter of fact, I think all of the little campers are well coordinated for their age. We lowered the nets so it was more realistic for them when trying to serve the ball over the net. Surprisingly they all did very well in hitting that volleyball over the net...from the 10' attack line of course. We played a game where they had to serve the ball over the net and try to hit some of the older girls, who were laying down on their stomachs/backs. The little campers enjoyed this little challenge because they were determined to hit the girls...it was hilarious the determined look on some of their faces.

Setting was a little more challenging for the kids. As much as I wanted them to NOT slap at the ball, or look like they were shooting a basketball, they did fairly well. Rosileni shows us her setting skills in the picture on the left.  An example of how fast these kids are at learning and picking up on the skills is Rosileni. She was not there on day 2, but she showed up on Day 3 and learned the basic setting and serving skills.  As you can see, she picked up right where the other kids left off.   She shows off her perfect form...must be her mothers side of the family (LOL, that's my side of family too!). We also played a setting game with the kids that was a challenge. This time however, they teamed up with a big girl. I have to tell you this little funny bit of a story about Tommy(the only boy in the camp). In this challenge, I had the little campers chose who they want as partners. I had thought that maybe he had a little kids crush on one of my girls, because he was always wanting to partner up with her or he was always laughing or acting shy around her. Well, of course who does he walk straight to when I tell them to go and stand next to the girl they want for partners?...that girl! Won't tell you her name, cause it doesn't matter...it's just cute how he is! Anyway, the challenge was to see how many times they could pass the ball overhand/setting without it dropping on the ground.
Day 3:
Today the kids learned how to approach, jump and hit the volleyball on an attack. I was excited this morning on getting to camp and teaching them how to attack/hit a volleyball. Let me tell you, how impressed I was at how well these kids did. As I said before, these kids are fast learners and they picked up on the steps, jumping and swinging at the ball quickly. Alison was the one who impressed me the most in this skill because she really had the concept of what she needed to do. I think she's going to be a great volleyball player when she gets older.

To the left here, you could see how well Rosileni's approach is. Yes, we did lower the net for them so that they have the opportunity to hit it over the net. With all the hitting that they did today, I wouldn't be surprised if they showed up tomorrow complaining about their arms being sore. Or maybe they won't complain, because I haven't heard them complain about any soreness yet. I remember what it was like to be a kid and play all day and not be sore! If we could be young forever! After practicing their approach, jump and hit, we played another challenge. This one similar to the serving challenge where they had to try and hit the older girls with their serve. Except this time, they were hitting/attacking the ball while the older girls laid on the other side of the net. The first round they hit the older girls 8 times...the second time they only hit them 7 times. It was still very good for them.
To the right here, we have Alison jumping and taking a swing at the ball that my assistant coach Amber is holding for her. Alison as I said before is a very good player and learns really fast. She shows that in this photo of her hitting.
I am so grateful for this blessing that I have to be able to teach little ones how to play volleyball. I know it requires a lot of patience to work with little kids, but having this group of 6 kids has been anything but stressful. They are eager to learn and play everyday that they have shown up. They pay attention, ask questions, work hard and say or do the darnest things to make us laugh. I look forward to another day with these kids as they learn more about volleyball for the next two days.


  1. Love the update since I had to work lol! Looks like they learned tons.. and Rosileni doesn't walk "normal" anymore.. she practices her approach. Love it!!

  2. LOL...that is so funny that she practices her approach! Gotta love her dedication to the sport!
