Talofa and Welcome to My Place

Hello! This is my place, you are welcome to visit anytime. I love my family and I enjoy spending time with them every chance I get. Especially my nieces and nephews. They are a joy to be around. This blog was created so that I may share with you the people I love and things I love to do. I hope that you will enjoy this blog and visit from time to time. Blogging is fun and very creative. If you don't have a blogspot, I encourage you to get one. It is better than myspace or facebook. I honestly believe that it is. I wanna thank my sister for getting me into this whole blogspot.com thing. Everything on this blog is about my family and anything positive. So, I welcome you once again to my place. Stay and visit for awhile, leave a comment and visit again later. Much love and One love.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Hanging Out At The Park

What a fun day this was with my husband, brothers, sister, sister in law, nephews and nieces. We went to Suzanne park in the city of Walnut and had a picnic. The kids really enjoyed themelves playing on the playground and running all over the place. As the kids played we sat, talked and reminised about our younger days back in junior high and high school. We had a fun time talking about Rubie's wannabe gangster days in junior high. She was a sneaky one that one. We had a great time this day! Fun, Fun, Fun!!!

I thought I'd be one of the kids and get on the slide...LOL, my husband had a good laugh watching me slide down that slide.

Ky looking down at me when I went down the slide...he's saying, "I can't believe aunty made it down that slide"...LOL

William looking to see if I'm getting on the slide again...yup, got on it two more times.

Robert, Rubie, Muloki (Ky) and Ocean pause to take a pix before we left the park.

Dicky and his growing family of four...him, Melissa, William and Isabella

My niece Isabella and I...she's so adorably gorgeous.

Isabella with her other aunty Rubie

Isabella and her mommy, Melissa

Isabella and I again

Isabella and her grandma Polu

Isabella taking her headshot photo's for aunty Lisa

Up close with Isabella

Ocean LeAne at the end of the slide

I think that smile says it all...

Ky hanging over the slide...rowdy boy
look at the kids being bad on the slide...no fear for falling over, must be their Samoan side.

Ocean having a time of her life

William getting ready to slide down the slide after going up the wrong way.

A little side profile of Muloki...he takes so many pictures that he already knows how to do a side profile for the camera...LOL

Ocean and William

Ky and William

Ky showing us his skills on climbing

water break for William...this kid loves water.

Chocolate break for Ky...this kid loves sweets(candy)

Apple break for Ocean...this kid loves to eat fruits.

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