Talofa and Welcome to My Place

Hello! This is my place, you are welcome to visit anytime. I love my family and I enjoy spending time with them every chance I get. Especially my nieces and nephews. They are a joy to be around. This blog was created so that I may share with you the people I love and things I love to do. I hope that you will enjoy this blog and visit from time to time. Blogging is fun and very creative. If you don't have a blogspot, I encourage you to get one. It is better than myspace or facebook. I honestly believe that it is. I wanna thank my sister for getting me into this whole blogspot.com thing. Everything on this blog is about my family and anything positive. So, I welcome you once again to my place. Stay and visit for awhile, leave a comment and visit again later. Much love and One love.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

An Evening At Chucky Cheese

This was on Monday, the 23rd of February. We decided to go to Chucky Cheese and celebrate dad's birthday there because this was where the kids wanted to go. The very first day when Ocean got into town, she asked to go to Chucky Cheese, so we decided to go there for dads birthday. The little kids and the BIG kids all had fun. Dad had a great time with his grandkids, and that's all he really wanted for his birthday was to have the grandkids there. We missed having Jaram, Teancum (Rubie's husband & son) and Jane (Roberts wife) there with us. The first few pictures were taken at one of the machines there in chucky cheese. Had fun taking those pictures with the kids.

My sister Rubie and her gorgeously beautiful daughter Ocean LeAne
My niece Ocean and I taking a time out to take a picture together
Muloki and his fav. aunty...ME.
Sisterly LOVE I my sister

My husband Spencer and I with our niece Isabella

My newest niece Isabella Ann and ME.
William and Ocean enjoy their icecream pops...they'd rather have this than the cake.

William and Ocean playing a little game of hockey...I think William won.

Look at one of the BIG kids playing...brother Robert having some fun of his own...If only Jane were there to tame this big kid...LOL

Dicky and Spence having some hoop fun, another group of BIG kids playing



Ky and William enjoying their pops

Rubie and Isabella

Dad and his granddaughter Isabella

Dad and his grandson Muloki (Ky)

Riding the rollercoaster

Ocean riding on this bicycle ride...wierd looking ride.
Muloki's first ride when he got to Chucky Cheese

1 comment:

  1. Love it Sis,
    I really love what you've done to your blog and in seeing these pix it sure does remind me of our visit. I had tons of fun and was sure glad to have been there.
    Hope all is going well in Utah.
