Talofa and Welcome to My Place

Hello! This is my place, you are welcome to visit anytime. I love my family and I enjoy spending time with them every chance I get. Especially my nieces and nephews. They are a joy to be around. This blog was created so that I may share with you the people I love and things I love to do. I hope that you will enjoy this blog and visit from time to time. Blogging is fun and very creative. If you don't have a blogspot, I encourage you to get one. It is better than myspace or facebook. I honestly believe that it is. I wanna thank my sister for getting me into this whole blogspot.com thing. Everything on this blog is about my family and anything positive. So, I welcome you once again to my place. Stay and visit for awhile, leave a comment and visit again later. Much love and One love.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

My Beautiful Mother

Tauaipolu Motu Purcell

Sunrise: July 24, 1951
Sunset: September 29, 2009
This is my beautiful mother, Tauaipolu Motu Purcell. It's been a few months now and I've been meaning to post a little blog about her, but it's taken me a few weeks to build up the strength to write about her without crying and typing at the same time. Well, here it goes ... I hope through this blog you will have a sense of they type of person my mother was. Enjoy.

My mother was someone with a lot of toughness and strength. She did not shy away from any challenges she had in life. As a women who fought and denied till the last day of radiation that she did not have breast cancer, she defeated it twice. She did not let a minor stroke stop her from traveling, driving, dancing, laughing and yes, even getting angry. My mom was a fighter and she fought hard against the illnesses that threatened her health. She defeated all of them and won. I only hope to have that same strength and fight if ever I were to have those same challenges in my life here on earth.

My mother was honest in her feelings. She did not hide her thoughts or feelings from anyone. She told you like it was and she would tell you how she felt about you, weather she liked you or not. Often times, while we were growing up, mom use to embarrass us, by saying things to people that weren't very nice when she'd get mad. But, as I have moved away from my parents and have lived on my own ... I've come to realize that my mom was straight forward and did not beat around the bush with what she felt. I use to feel bad for people who were on the receiving end of my mothers wrath of honest words. Trust me, my sister and I have been on that receiving end many times. My brothers on the other hand, I dont recall, ever being on the other end ... lol ! The boys were her boys!

There were many times when my mom would say things that came from left field. These were the best funniest times, because she would crack us up ... literally! I have many friends and family who can back me up on this one. She would say the darnest things that just would make us laugh. My mom had no shame in cursing. She use to tell us ... "What? What is wrong with saying the "F" word?, It's just a word! ... we would get into debates/arguments with her over that and finally give up and let her win, cause there would be no way of changing her mind. lol! I remember a story told by a friend name Moroni Quiocho of my mom ... He was with my mom and sister one day and they were on the road, my mom driving and Ruby and he were in the back seat of our Minivan talking. Ruby had made a comment to something Nai told her "That's Fucked Up", then from the drivers seat, my mother says ... "What Ruby? What's Fucked Up?" ... LMBO!!! Like I said, outta left field.

My mother would always drill us about our education and how important it is for us to have higher educations. She was so proud when all four of her children graduated from hight school and two of us from universities. She did not care if we had jobs in high school because she wanted us to finish school and get into college. My mother was a school teacher in Samoa and while growing up from elementary to junior high she made sure we knew our math and english. She taught us our multiplications table when we'd get home from school. I recall having to say our multiplications every week and pass or we'd get sasa'd ... My mother was my supporter throughout my college years. She use to visit me every week and bring me food and made sure I was okay. She didn't care how long it took me to finish college, cause all that matter was that I finished. It was my mother who encouraged me to live at school and experience the college life. It was my mother who encouraged me to stick it out. It was she, who was my greatest supporter and motivator.

There are so many things about my mother i could write about and share with you all, but these are just a few of the memories of her that I wanted to share. I truly miss her and the daily phone calls I use to get from her just calling to say hello. It use to irritate me sometimes when my mom would always call, but if I could have that chance to hear her voice again, I'd want her to call me everyday. I would love to hear her laugh and tell me stories of samoa that she loves to tell. I would love to hear her tell me again ... "Lisa, au'a ke soga a'i" (Lisa, don't eat too much). I still remember the day my husband and I left my parents in Cali and moved to Utah. I cried like a baby saying goodbye to my mother because she was healing from her surgery and I was leaving. We were both crying like babies and I remember telling her how much I loved her and she said the same to me. It was from that day, that I realized how much my mother had been through with her illnessess and how strong of a woman she was. I realized how much of an impact she has had in my life.

My last days with my mother before she left to Samoa were the best days I had. I am left with wonderful memories of my mothers laughter and story telling. I am left with the memory of her spending quality time with two of her grandkids, Isabella and William. I am left with the wonderful memory of her cooking on Labor day for us and then walking over to the park to hang out. I will cherish these memories of her and hold them dear to my heart.

Mom ... I LOVE YOU SO MUCH and I MISS YOU!!! I know that you are with our heavenly father and you have a strong healthy spirit and are no longer suffering. I know that you are watching over us and waiting for us to join at a later time. I just want you to know that I am happy to be your eternal daughter and I wouldn't have picked anyone else to be my eternal mother. Till We Meet Again, MOM!!!


  1. Awesome Sis!
    I second the notion of being her eternal daughter as well. I love & miss mom too. Even her daily calls.

  2. Yes, Awesome Sis! I remember the story you told me about when moms went to see Saving Private Ryan and when asked what movie did she see, mom said Saving Ryan's Privates...LOL...that was PRICELESS! I couldn't stop laughing. Thank you for the WONDERFUL blog sis. I loved your mom and I love you Lisa!
